Ma 2025 február 15. Kolos, Georgina napja van. Holnap Julianna, Lilla napja lesz.

Bayer Zsolt: Zappa tudta...


Szöveg méret

Átlag: 5 (1 szavazat)
Üzenjük a Coca-Colának és Alföldi Róbertnek.

Alább Zappa kis miniatűr remeke, a Bobby Brown. Időszerűbb, mint valaha!

Üzenjük a Coca-Colának, a ... lobbinak és Alföldi Róbertnek.

Aki nem tud angolul, az szótárazza ki.


Hey, there people I'm Bobby Brown,
They say I'm the cutest boy in town!
My car is fast, my teeth are shiny,
I tell all the girls they can kiss my heine!
Here I am at a famous school,
I present sharp and I'm acting cool
I've got a cheerleader here wants to help
With my paper let her do all the work
And maybe later I rape her!

Oh, god I am the American dream
I do not think I'm too extreme
And I'm a handsome son of a bitch,
I'm gonna get a good job and be real rich!
(Get a good, get a good, get a good, get a good)

Womans liberation
Came creeping all across the nation
I tell you, people, I was not ready
When I fucked this Dyke by the name of Freddi!
She made a little speech then,
Oh she tried to make me say when
She had my balls in a vice but she left the dick,
I guess it's still hooked on but now it shoots to quick!

Oh, god I am the American dream,
But now I smell like Vaseline
And I'm a miserable son of a bitch
Am I a boy or a lady I don't know which!
(I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder)

So I went out and bought me a leisure suit
I jingling my change but I'm still kind cute
Got a job, doing radio promo,
And none of the jocks can even tell I'm a homo!
Eventually me and a friend,
Sort of drifted along into S&M
I can take about an hour on the tower of power,
As long as I get my little golden shower

Oh, god I am the American dream,
With a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream
An' I'll do anything to get ahead
I lay awake nights sayin, ' "Thank you, Fred!"
Oh God, Oh God, I'm so fantastic!
Thanks to Freddie, I'm a sexual spastic
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I'm goin' down,
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I'm goin' down,

And my name is Bobby Brown,
Watch me now, I'm going down
Haha, yeah, I knew you'd be surprised!


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